Looking for business ideas to start or bring your company to the next level?
Finding business ideas that will make money is a eternal problem.
Peter Dickinson has worked with more than 300 companies and knows that finding work ideas that work can be very challenging.
Simon Sinek in TED video has identified that people buy why you do something and not what you do. (Go to YouTube and type Simon Sinek Why Ted). You might want to watch this video before reading the rest of this article.
This means you have to be really excited about what you do. You must be an expert in it. You must be the leader of the mind in it. And it doesn’t matter what you do. You need to emit confidence and have an in-depth understanding of the challenges facing your customers in your field of expertise.
So the first step to get the next business idea is to think about what you really like? What things make you frustrated and you know you can do it better? What if you can do it will make your workday more valuable? Are you an expert?
After you find the passion and opportunity on the market, the next step to develop your business idea is to think about what people will be appreciated and what they will pay.
People will only pay something if it solves the problem, fulfill the desire or improve their lives or organizations in a certain way.
Think about your business ideas. Are there other people (maybe not in your area) who have arranged companies that do something similar? It’s much easier to start the company if there is a market known for what you want to do. This means that there are people who are willing to pay for the proposed goods and services.
Do some research on them. What did they do right? What can they do better? Do they provide what customers really want? Can you do it better?
Is there a franchise opportunity for sale in your area that will make you ride with a business ready to use along the line of your business ideas? Can you set up a small version of your business idea to try it at a low cost, maybe part time or through the internet?
The key to making your company from land is to identify prospective customers what will truly appreciate. You need to talk to as many customers as possible customers to get that understanding. You must be where your customer goes. This might be network events, industrial conferences, award ceremonies, industrial meetings, etc. Without giving ideas you find out as much as possible about their needs.
You need to see the cost of entering the market because it can be a barrier. For example, it might mean buying large equipment. However, think later, you might be able to hire the equipment. Delay getting an office if you can. Work from home and meet clients in the hotel area which is now equipped to hold a business meeting.
Quite often companies on the market can be satisfied or bound by bureaucracy and poor customer service offerings. New participants with new approaches, seeing things in different ways can often see the difference between what is currently supplied and what is truly desirable and customer value. On a large scale, Richard Branson has implemented this proven formula on a number of occasions. Technology has a disturbing effect on a number of industries. You only need to see high ways of road changing to see the effects of the internet and cellular computing.