Sunday, May 5, 2024

Lose your social skills? – Business and online marketing technology uh-oh

Start, grow, and maintain an online marketing business is something billions of people around the world who are trying to do as one way to remain hip with technology. If you don’t have a PC, Notebook, iPod, Utube Video, Facebook Profile, MP3 Player, and all Shebang, you are not with the program.

I think that means I’m out of it, even though I am an online marketing business owner, because I only have a PC, and don’t even have a cellphone or text message. In fact, the text message has become my number one pet peeve lately, with the second cellphone.

People like cells and text messages to the point that the people they have at this time are less important than checking, or writing messages to others! Uh oh! There is no better way to make someone feel like a thing rather than someone rather than perfecting it for the sake of the cell or text message.

Believe me, this is not a practical social skill in your personal life, or your online marketing business life! Do you lose it because of technology? If you try to win a new prospect and customer, you should not think of incoming cells or text messages you are more important than who you are!

This is a surefire way to lose business if you don’t give your potential customers 100% of your attention when trying to make an agreement, register new members, or just get someone’s feet wet with your online marketing business program and service.

If you think this is a small information from the online marketing business owner, then think again! Do you remember being a child and watching TV with someone, and asking a burning question just to be told, “Shhhh! I watched this!” Or “Shhhh! I want to hear this”? How does it make you feel?

That might make you feel less important than Piddly technology! If you run a business, you can’t let it call you your social skills. Yes, you have to spend time working on a PC or notebook to complete your work. But you cannot expect to run a healthy online marketing business when you close the whole real world and real people in it!

Have you ever been out for a pleasant dinner and the person you pull out their text message? How embarrassable is it!? As your potential customer, who tells me that you are an online marketing business owner who found me boring, and you don’t care, or think that I am at all important compared to the technology you must attend. Uh oh!

Now you might think that communicating online at discussion forums, chat spaces, MSN, and these all cellphones and text messages still interact with others. But wait a minute! You still lose important components of human interaction here!

The human brain is able to send a piece of written text by telephone, but only when you face to face someone and before them, can the human brain release neurons that feel what other people feel, what they feel. You only get the essence of this online.

Empathy is something we all have but developed with people, not by having a relationship with your computer. If you know that human relations are the core of all our online marketing business, then you will realize the importance of direct contact with others.

The point of this article is to make you realize that your online marketing business and other techno-gadgets from this new Techno-internet may damage your social skills. This skill is very important in building our business and personal relationships.

Kody Zoie
the authorKody Zoie